Left a callus on my hand
Humid and frozen
In a curve all day - as it delves
In dots and lines and curlicues
My fingers they left
To fend for themselves
Smelt of coffee and plastic,
Insidious chemicals
In which I dipped my hopes
With clenched arms,
Dream on my sleeve
On my veins
I took my leave
Wednesday I sat
Shivering in the pews
And prayed to silent reason that
The centre of the universe
Hadn’t shifted onto me.
The callus - vengeful absence!-Cut through my palm once more,Lip tainted; raw with nervous zealTongue lay subdued and sore
Thursday, begins
With senseless perusal; ends
(forget not, the silent “e-n-t”)
With sunshine, the aberrant warmth
With sunshine, the aberrant warmth
Of bleakness in its bends
Friday morning perspiring, twisting
Me into some sort of plait, cold vapour seeps
Into the linen, the kind
That night can rid one of - she weeps
Saturday woke by dusty sunshine,
Coffee and sleep - (the apothecaries of
So begins the day
Of dreamless marches, recumbent spines,
Words' weeping headaches remain thereof
Sunday, Sunday,
Sunday, arid as an overcast 4’o clock
An hour hand will rise and fall
You're cold, and quite inept at showing
That you have ever lived at all.
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