So, if I am to be truthfully honest, as an immediate means of procrastination, I have decided to post the many lists that I keep about my person (or rather - in my hardback Moleskine when they desert the memory of "my person"). The lists will comprise subject matter such as; my bucket list, the (primarily 80's) movies I am in dire need of watching, the numerous works of literature that I am in dire need of doing, and my most recent (currently impalpable) creation: sixteen things to do in the ephemeral space of time left before I turn sixteen.
Now, being even more truthful in my honesty, I made this post chiefly so that I could see such an ostensively scholarly word as Inventorium in the pretty italicised font of my title. Well that confirms my worst fear that my need for style would someday supersede that of substance.
Why I have chosen to replace the generic "brutal honesty" with "truthful honesty" I fail to understand.
(With a lightly-scratched head) Signing off,
R. Louise