[I don't mean to sound so pretentious with my titles – I just wanted something a little more interesting than "songs that got me through the past week"]
A few days ago, the shamelessly-executed feat of egoism that was being my own publicist and sharing this blog to "the masses" led to the shocking –yet obvious– revelation that I was advertising nothing more than an archive of material, all of which had been written a matter of months ago. The curse of writers' block, in all its ambiguously-perennial glory, has been known to ail me for disconcerting periods of time, and it may well be here to stay until a seriously contrived prompt makes itself apparent and results in prolific bouts of creative writing.
So, in order to compensate for this frustrating situation, and keep my posting on this blog (somewhat) regular, I've decided to voice my preferences in areas about which I am a complete dilettante, i.e. music. Below are a handful of songs that, for the past seven days, I have either found myself repeatedly listening to, tunelessly singing, or pervading my head in the form of incessant loops and dubiously-ascribed lyrics:
1. Dead Sea by The Lumineers
I've only recently started listening to this band, but what little music of theirs I've been exposed to I thoroughly enjoy. Their songs are musically and lyrically simple, but poignant and charismatic nevertheless.